

General Qualifications and Categories

Membership in the Society shall be at the invitation of the Society. Plenary licensed physicians engaged in the practice of plastic and reconstructive surgery in New Jersey, and others who demonstrate that they fulfill the applicable requirements of these Bylaws, may be admitted to membership in the Society. All Active members must be Active members of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. All members must agree to abide by these Bylaws and the Code of Ethics of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The name and qualifications of a nominee for membership shall be submitted by an Active member of the Society in the form specified by the Board of Directors (the “Board”).  Such application shall be endorsed by two Active members, and then be presented to the Board for its consideration.  The Board may formerly recommend a nominee to the Society for membership by a simple majority vote.  Nominees, who have been recommended by the Board, may be elected to membership at a regular meeting of the Society membership by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Voting Members present.

Categories of membership shall consist of the following and such other categories as may be added from time to time by means of an amendment to these Bylaws as the Society may need:

  • Founding
  • Active
  • Life
  • Candidate
  • Resident
Specific Qualifications for Admission

“Founding Members” are those individuals who were elected to membership at the first official meeting of the Society.  No additional Founding Members shall be added. Founding Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Life or Active membership.

“Active Members” shall be plastic surgeons practicing in New Jersey who have been certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc. (the “ABPS”).Active Members shall be required to pay dues and may hold office and vote.

“Life Members” may be conferred upon Active or Founding Members who have retired from active clinical practice.  Life membership may be considered for individuals at the discretion of the Board of Directors even though the above requirements for complete retirement may not have been met. Life Members shall neither pay dues nor hold office, but shall have the right to vote.  Life membership is considered at the written request of the individual concerned.

“Candidate Members” status shall be plastic surgeons practicing in New Jersey who have satisfactorily completed an accredited plastic surgery training program and are eligible for the certifying examination of the ABPS.  Upon achieving ABPS certification within the time period allotted by the ABPS, a Candidate Member automatically will become an Active Member. Candidate Members who have not achieved certification by the Board within the allotted time period may become Associate Members until they have achieved such certification.  Candidate Members may not hold   office or vote at meetings, but will be required to pay dues.  They may serve on committees.

“Resident Members” status may be conferred upon full-time residents in accredited plastic surgery training programs in New Jersey.  The Chief of each program shall notify the Secretary of the Society of the names of these individuals.  Resident membership shall terminate with the termination of the Resident Member’s residency.  A Resident Member may attend meetings, but pays no dues and may neither vote nor hold office. They may serve on committees.

Founding Members, Active Members and Life Members are collectively referred to in these Bylaws as “Voting Members.”

Click here to apply for Membership in the NJ Society of Plastic Surgeons.